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Community Workshops

Ways Of Working at the Welsh Millennium Centre:
Embroidery Workshop
April 2022

Community embroidery workshop with Ways of Working.


Well- being Workshop:
Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group Wales (WSSAG)
Feb 2022

Learning to sew is a purposeful and relaxing activity; bringing people from all backgrounds together, it gives us the ability to build confidence and practical life skills.
WSSAG is an advocacy, research and support group for refugee women and their families in Wales.


December 2021

Learning about sustainability doesn’t always have to include complicated language and stats - it can be fun. Simply skill sharing, encouraging conversation and creativity can be the first steps to living more mindfully.


Repair with Flair: University College London
October 2021

Workshop part of exhibition 'Inspiring Action on the Climate Emergency'. Representatives from across the globe are meeting this November at COP26 in Glasgow to decide how to take action on the climate emergency. 


Sustainable Fashion & Up-cycling Workshop: St Fagans National Museum of History
August 2021

The workshops’ aim was to motivate participants to get creative with clothing they already own, to inform participants of the environmental and social impacts of the clothing they already own, and to provide inspiration.

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Patchwork in the Park: Jukebox Collective
May 2021

An introduction to sustainable fashion, up-cycling, patchwork and embroidery. Held at Grange Pavilion.


Celebrating Earth Hour:
A Stitch to Save Workshop with WWF Cymru
March 2022

‘A Stitch to Save’ is a creative workshop and discussion, inclusive of communities typically less-engaged with the climate conversation. Together we explored the complexities of climate change, through simple skill sharing and creativity.


SIP&SEW Creative Evening
Feb 2022

An inclusive space for you to create, collaborate and learn. This isn’t a workshop; this is a hub to be inspired by your friends and community, for you to be heard, seen and celebrated.


Radical Mending: Green Squirrel
November 2021

Radical Mending Workshop (online workshop) with The Something Club. Learn stitches, techniques and inspiration to repair and refresh your clothes, as you turn these simple skills into powerful climate action.

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SUNDAZE: Jukebox Collective
September 2021

Jukebox Collective presents SUNDAZE; a day of creative activities, performances, discussions and more. Held at Grange Pavilion, the centre was transformed into a festival space with set design and lighting. Here I exhibited works alongside my drop-in embroidery workshops.


Renew & Repair: South Riverside Community Development Centre
June-August 2021

In partnership with SRCDC, Renew and Repair was a weekly workshop focused on up-skilling community members. Workshops alternated between online Zoom discussions and practical in person sessions.

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